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MORE IN 2024

Queenslanders need more cost of living relief in 2024 and we need politicians who will fight for us.  Will you add your voice to the campaign?

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Why we need to make our voice heard

The crisis is not over.

Queenslanders are still facing real cost of living challenges.

Inflation may be slowing but prices are still going up.

There is a lot of talk about lower interest rates but nothing has happened yet.

As Queenslanders continue to struggle each and every day with the cost of living we need more relief in 2024.

Our campaign is calling for Queensland politicians to put people before company profits.

Will you add your voice to our call?


Queenslanders need our politicians to fight for more cost living relief in 2024

Add Your Voice

We're are taking our campaign to the community

We need more voices to win

We need Queensland politicians to listen to the community but our message is only as strong as our numbers.

Big business will always be able spend more to defend their profits but if enough Queenslanders speak out we can win.

This campaign is being built one voice at a time.

Every voice counts. Will you join our campaign?

Add Your Voice

Why campaign now?

June 21, 2022
14:00 PM

Higher royalties as coal prices reach record levels

In 2022 coal prices and as a result multi-national companies company profits soared from selling Queensland’s coal.

In the 2022 Queensland state budget the Government introduced new tiers of royalty payments so all Queenslanders could benefit from the higher prices from Queensland coal, but only if the coal prices remained at record levels.

November 23, 2022
12:00 PM

Mining companies launch their campaign

While mining companies continue to receive record prices for Queensland coal and generate record profits, the Queensland Resource Council launched a multi-million dollar advertising blitz against the Queensland Governments tiered royalty scheme.  They want the government to abolish the scheme to protect their profits.

June 13, 2022
14:00 PM

Record cost of living relief for Queenslanders

As a result of higher coal prices and the new royalty tiers, the Queensland Government received an additional $5.8 billion in revenue from coal companies.  This revenue, in part, paid for the record $8.2 billion in cost of living relief.

March 1, 2024
12:00 PM

More in 2024 launched

Mining  companies continue to enjoy record coal prices selling Queensland’s coal and continue to make record profits, but they are continuing  their campaign against sharing their profits with all Queensland through paying more in royalties.

The More in 2024 campaign was launched to make sure Queensland politicians continue to make cost of living a priority in this years budget and don’t give to the pressure from the big business.

The Coalition of Working Families was created by families, workers and their unions including Together Queensland. It has been created to give a stronger voice for Queenslanders who need more cost of living relief in 2024.
